'Water Of Life' Urine Therapy
WOLS Registration

'Water Of Life' Urine Therapy

Your 'Water Of Life Symposium 2017' Experience

by Anthony AK King on 08/31/17

Greetings WOLS 2017 Attendees...

1. Please share your WOLS 2017 experience.

2. Please share your thoughts and suggestions for 2018.

Thank you

I Love You All! :-)

Open Discussion On Urine Therapy

by Anthony AK King on 03/22/17

"I Drink My Pee And Now EYE See The Benefits Of Urine Therapy."
This was the title of the episode on 'The Simmie Braxton Show.'
It was enlightening but most of all empowering to those that drink & inspiring to those that are considering drinking their 'WaterOf Life.'
Simmie does a great job of hosting his show & promoting the upcoming #WaterOfLifeSymposium on Sept 22-24 2017
go to the Media page & listen to the show...
Part l & ll are delightful! :-)

Your Thoughts On 'Drinking Your Own Urine!'

by Anthony AK King on 11/24/16

Greetings loved ones,

Welcome to the WOLS Blog site, which was created with YOU in mind!

I have been drinking my Water Of Life (Urine) every day for over 3 years. 

My spirit has opened up and allows me to see beyond my mortal thoughts into the marvelous light of our true being.
The water that we make daily is magic! It heals our body, mind and soul, providing an enormous source of energy keeping my mind vibrant.
I look forward to the 'Water Of Life Symposium 2017' to see, meet & hear others share their story of life in the 'Water.'

Anthony AK King
WOLS Founder


  ​Greetings Loved Ones...
Please join us for an enlightening, 
joy filled gathering of open minded 
people from every walk of life, communing together, embracing the idea of 
       health and wellness with      
Urine Therapy. 
Tickets Here
Wee Love & Appreciate You.
Las Vegas, NV. 89109
Westgate Resort 
3000 Paradise Rd.
SEPT. 11-13,2020
 Westgate Room Reservations
Group Code: 
No Resort Fees!